Resistance β A touring exhibition and DIY archiving project – documenting and celebrating UK grassroots movements for social change.
Learn from the past to create the future.
Some photos of recent exhibitions.
If you would like to support and help develop the Resistance Exhibition/Archive, then please donate whatever you can afford. This is a labour born of love and the belief that our history matters.
On February 25 2025 we presented a cut-down version of the portable exhibition at the Green Events and Innovations Conference in Royal Lancaster London, hosted by A Greener Future.
Here is a prototype for the Resistance Archive. When it is launched the archive will build an entire social history of protest, from more than 50 years of video, photo and documents. Feel free to try it out by clicking some tags in the word cloud, or by typing into the search bar (detailed advice below).
Search supports the following functions:
Includes results containing both terms.
Includes results containing either term.
Excludes results containing the term.
Groups terms for complex queries.
Matches an exact phrase.
Basic Queries:
climate,change β Matches entries with both “climate” AND “change”.
protest | activism β Matches entries with either “protest” OR “activism”.
(environment | sustainability),policy β Matches entries containing either “environment” OR “sustainability” AND “policy”.
“climate crisis” | (renewable,energy) β Matches entries with the exact phrase “climate crisis” OR both “renewable” AND “energy”.
-corporate,(greenwashing|deception) β Excludes entries with “corporate” while requiring “greenwashing” OR “deception”.
How To Archive Online
Are you storing protest materials from your past the past of your family and friends?
Photos, videos, flyers, newsletters, other disobedient objects?
We have produced a guide to online archiving for you. The guide has been written for the Resistance Project, a collective dedicated to preserving, collating and distributing radical protest and campaign materials.
Download the Guide In the guide you can learn how to put your precious items online making them safe, accessible and inspirational.
Letβs make radical history – told from the point of view of the people who made it happen.
Here is a selection of the images we have exhibited: